Area of Expertise

M3S provides support for consultancy, research and studies in the area of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in general. More specifically M3S is able to design and develop information systems, both centralized and distributed, using both the Java programming environment and the C programming environment, is able to configure, control and manage Java frameworks and application servers, and masters network protocols.

M3S has a specific expertise in the following areas:

Development of Embedded Network Protocols

M3S has developed a Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol implementation compliant with the IEEE 802.1D-2004 standard. The implementation has been tested successfully against the Ixia Automated Network Validation Library (ANVL) and has been merged into the Open vSwitch suite in the v2.4.0 release, within which is now distributed.

Traffic Monitoring / Analysis / Mining

M3S has developed a monitoring platform aimed at measuring the Quality of Service and the Quality of Experience of a remote Internet access service. This platform can be exploited to validate the Service Level Agreements between the access network providers and theirs clients.

Fault Tolerance in Carrier Ethernet networks

M3S has developed a solution for rapid reconfiguration of Ethernet networks based on the IEEE 802.1Q standard. The technique guarantees worst-case reconfiguration time of the Ethernet spanning-tree after a failure and eliminates the bandwidth-consuming station discovery phase.

Service Composition

M3S has developed a Service Orchestration platform supporting the execution of Composite Services (a.k.a., Mashups) that combine atomic services (typically available through Web APIs) available in the Internet. Such a Service Orchestration platform, originally developed in the context of an European project on telecom operator services (Open platform for user-centric service creation and execution), was recently adopted to work as an infrastructure for object virtualization in the Internet of Things.


Logistics DataSpace

Innovative logistics technologies

M3S is partner of Logistics DataSpace, a research project funded by Regione Liguria under FESR UE initiative. The project aims to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of a logistic node by using computerised systems for data exchange.

Tecnologie innovative per la logistica

M3S è partner del progetto di ricerca Logistics DataSpace, finanziato dalla Regione Liguria su fondi FESR della UE, che ha l'obiettivo di migliorare l’efficienza e la competitività di un nodo logistico attraverso l’utilizzo di sistemi telematici per lo scambio di dati.

Logistics DataSpace prevede la progettazione e sviluppo di sistemi telematici, destinati a comunità logistiche, volti alla creazione di una piattaforma digitale per l’interscambio dati e la fruizione di servizi innovativi come l’identificazione certa degli attori coinvolti nelle procedure di trasporto e il controllo automatizzato degli accessi agli spazi logistici.

Fra le componenti tecnologiche che caratterizzano il progetto, un focus particolare è dedicato alla tecnologia Blockchain e alla sua applicazione al settore della logistica e del tracciamento delle merci. L’idea alla base del progetto prevede di creare un registro digitale, condiviso da tutti gli stakeholder logistici, all’interno del quale sono inseriti in modo uniforme tutti i dati relativi a una spedizione.

Durante il suo percorso, la merce sarà corredata da una struttura di blocchi di dati, inseriti dai vari soggetti coinvolti nella catena logistica, in modo da garantire la completezza e l’affidabilità delle informazioni associate, poiché i contenuti una volta inseriti non sono più modificabili né eliminabili. Grazie a tali caratteristiche, la Blockchain è considerata l’ideale in termini di sicurezza, affidabilità e trasparenza, un valido deterrente contro frodi e traffici illeciti.

Per creare la catena di dati, Logistics DataSpace prevede la creazione e l’integrazione di diversi sottosistemi, da utilizzare all’interno dei nodi logistici, quali: un varco di accesso automatizzato, comprendente un insieme di tecnologie HW e SW per il rilevamento preventivo dei mezzi in avvicinamento a un nodo logistico; un sistema di interscambio di dati e servizi basato su Blockchain; un sistema di identificazione delle persone per il controllo degli accessi ai varchi; un sistema di interfacciamento e automazione terminal basato sul paradigma Internet of Things (IoT) che include tecnologie quali RFID, Bluetooth, NFC, OCR e laser.

In particolare, la virtualizzazione dei varchi e l’integrazione dei sistemi di identificazione puntano ad ottenere significativi vantaggi di efficienza nella gestione degli accessi dei mezzi alle aree portuali.

Per la sua natura di nodo intermodale complesso e articolato, il porto di Genova è stato scelto come scenario applicativo del progetto: un’opportunità per lo scalo ligure di diventare un punto di riferimento a livello internazionale per quanto riguarda l’applicazione della tecnologia Blockchain alla logistica. Per le tematiche fortemente innovative affrontate e gli evidenti benefici attesi in termini di efficienza operativa, Logistics DataSpace ha ricevuto l’endorsment di istituzioni come l’Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Occidentale e di importanti stackholders che operano nello scalo genovese quali Spediporto e Assoagenti.

Il progetto, partito nell’agosto del 2018, ha visto la partecipazione di un team di imprese genovesi specializzate nella logistica portuale come Aitek, Circle, Click&Find, Hub Telematica, M3S e Selesta Ingegneria. Le attività di sviluppo dei sottosistemi sono già state completate, nei prossimi mesi il progetto si concluderà con la fase di validazione e sperimentazione: il sistema prototipale risultato delle attività di ricerca verrà infatti testato dai principali soggetti logistici genovesi per verificarne l’efficacia.

Progetto finanziato dal Programma Operativo Regionale 2014 / 2020 – Obiettivo “Investimenti in favore della crescita e dell’occupazione”, Asse 1 “Ricerca e Innovazione (OT1)”, Azione 1.2.4 Bando “Supporto alla realizzazione di progetti complessi di attività di ricerca e sviluppo per le imprese aggregate ai Poli di ricerca ed innovazione” – Regione Liguria

Logistics Dataspace Logos

Yacht Single Window

A software platform supporting Search and Rescue and yachting safety in collaboration with Liguria District of Marine Technology and Italian Coast Guard.

Internet of Things Service Platform

A software platform supporting applications related to the Internet of Things domain with particular focus on the design, development, and experimentation of a system for the Orchestration of services associated to Things. Such a platform is supposed to be scalable, fault tolerant, and based on the Event Driven paradigm paradigm which exploits the Asynchronous I/O technology.

Ref. Stecca, M., Moiso C., Fornasa M., Baglietto P., Maresca M., A Platform for Smart Object Virtualization and Composition, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 2, N. 6, 2015, Pages: 604-613.

Software Defined Ethernet Networking with an improved Spanning Tree convergence

The project delivered a technique called Bounded Latency Spanning Tree Reconfiguration (BLSTR), which guarantees worst case recovery latency in the case of single faults by adopting a time-bounded bridge port reconfiguration mechanism and by eliminating the bandwidth-consuming station discovery phase that follows the bridge forwarding table invalidation due to reconfiguration.

Ref. Fornasa, M., M. Stecca, M. Maresca and P. Baglietto, Bounded Latency Spanning Tree Reconfiguration, Computer Networks, Elsevier Publisher, Vol. 76, N. 1, 2015, Pages: 259–274.


UNaLab is a project funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The UNaLab consortium is comprised of 28 partners from 10 cities across Europe and beyond, including municipalities, research, business and industry. The UNaLab partner cities commit to addressing the challenges that cities around the world are facing today, by focusing on climate and water related issues, within an innovative and citizen-driven paradigm. With three demonstration cities, seven replication cities and several observers, the UNaLab project aims to develop smarter, more inclusive, more resilient and increasingly sustainable societies through innovative nature-based solutions (NBS).

Blockchain for Supply Chain

M3S is participating in a project called “Logistic DataSpace” on the application of Blockchain Technology to port operation. The project leverages the connection that M3S has had for decades with the Genoa Port Community System and the recent inclusion of the Port of Genoa, through Massimo Maresca, in the Task Force of the World Economic Forum on Blockchain for Supply Chain. The growing interest on Blockchain motivated the activation of a research line at M3S on its application in port operations, as well as more in general on global logistics. A preliminary result of such an investigation appears in the following document edited by the World Economic Forum, in which Prof. Maresca gave a contribution.

Ref. Inclusive Deployment of Blockchain for Supply Chains: Part 1 – Introduction, World Economic Forum.

Integration Layer - Automation 2.0

The Integration Layer project provides platforms and tools to improve the way how systems and applications are connected in the domain of industrial automation, with a particular focus on railways automation and signaling systems. While exploiting best in class components as building blocks for data sharing (Message Oriented Middleware) and data storage (In-Memory Data Grids), the Integration Layer project adds value with its own features for complex event processing, payload validation, authentication and authorization, high availability and scalability across either local or wide area network.

Work With Us

M3S offers employment opportunities to excellent people with a Master degree in the area of Information Engineering and Information Science as well as to people who have earned a Research Doctorate in the same disciplines.

M3S people must be strongly motivated to learn and grow through the study and the application of innovative technologies, must be able to work in teams and at the same time to show personal initiative, and must put his/her professional growth before the stability of a permanent employment.

The main characteristics of the offered positions are:

  • Use of state of the art and latest generation technology.
  • Analytical approach to software/system design and development.
  • Rapid professional growth.
  • Contact and contiguity with top level large companies in defense and civilian ICT.
  • Contact and contiguity with top level Universities and Research Centers.
  • Flexible and informal working environment.
  • Salary higher than average based on commitment and results.


About Us

M3S was created in 2005 by a group of Professors of the University of Genoa and of the University of Padua and by Marconi Communications to develop technology and solutions in the areas of next generation networks and services. In 2007, after the acquisition of Marconi Communications by Ericsson Telecommunications, M3S strengthened its connection with the academic side and evolved to an open research center.


M3S Srl
via Molo Cagni
16128 Genova - Italy


Email: info@m3s.it
Phone: +39 010 0985000
Fax: +39 010 0985001